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prof. dr. Rihard Karba
redni profesor (upokojen)
+386 40 845 461
I received my B.Sc. (1972), M. Sc. (1975) and Ph. D. (1981) degrees from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia where I am currently professor. My research interests include modelling and simulation of dynamic systems, multivariable control systems analysis and design as well as modelling and simulation in biopharmacy and in biomedicine. For the work on the field of pharmacokinetic modelling and simulation I received the award of Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology. I am the member of domestic and international Professional Institutions, the member of Editorial Board of an international jjournal, organizer and member of Committees of several international meetings. I have published 55 international journal articles and more than 250 conference papers. I am author of two student edition books, coauthor of a book published by Prentice Hall and of a book in slovene language.
  • 1972 diploma
  • 1975 znanstveni magisterij
  • 1981 doktorat
  • Elementi v avtomatiki in robotiki
  • Modeliranje procesov
  • Regulacije
  • TEMPUS S-JEP-09582 Fachhochschulkurs “Angewandte Automatisierungstechnik”, Graduate Engineering Course  “Applied Automation”, 1995-1998, partners  Fachhochschule Hannover, University of Glamorgan, University of Ljubljana
  • ERASMUS +,  Capacity building in higher education,  № 573751-EPP-1-2016-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP : Innovative teaching and learning strategies in open modelling and simulation environment for student-centered engineering education – InMotion, 2016-2019, Project partners: University of Bremen (UNIHB), Germany, Bremen, Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SMTU), Russia, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbPU), Russia, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU), Russia, Novosibirsk, Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UNIKL), Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur, National Distance Education University (UNED), Spain, Madrid, University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia, Ljubljana, St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciencies (SPIIRAS), Russia, St. Petersburg, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia, Bandar Seri Iskander
  • 1977 – Bedjaničeva nagrada za diplomsko delo Adaptivni kompenzator šuma
  • 1978 – Posebno priznanje na kongresu mednarodne astronavtične federacije IAF’78, Dubrovnik za prispevek Adaptive Noise Eliminator
  • 1988 – Nagrada sklada Borisa Kidriča za področje računalniško podprtega načrtovanja sistemov vodenja (skupaj s sodelavci)
  • Slovensko društvo za simulacijo in modeliranje – SLOSIM
  • Društvo avtomatikov Slovenije – DAS
  • Federacija evropskih simulacijskih zvez – EUROSIM
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